I am a professional home organizer based in Minneapolis.

I work with busy families, those looking to downsize, and seniors in transition.

I specialize in helping people create sustainable systems.


    • Decluttering your rooms and trouble spots

    • Arranging your spaces for better flow and efficiency (such as laundry and filing systems)

    • Organizing your closets, pantry, cupboards, home office, garage, basement, and more

    • Helping you downsize or prepare for a transition such as moving into assisted living

    • Cleaning

    • Junk removal

    • Tech organizing (such as scanning documents)

An empowering experience

The Giddy-Up! Organizing philosophy is based on non-judgmental support. You won’t ever be shamed for clutter, and our work together is always confidential.

If you choose to work with me, you are in the driver’s seat. You will never be forced to throw away prized belongings.

Sometimes, you know what you need to do, but you just need help. If you don’t have enough time (or enough support from family members) I am happy to work alongside you!